Divergent Woman. Events

Personal development training

We take care not only of the professional training of participants in the educational project under the WE ACT program: we act for women and their capabilities in partnership with the UN Population Fund in Ukraine - UnfPA Ukraine

Organized for girls who study this week, two -hour personal development training 🤝

Initially communicated with psychology Inna Butenko on the two most relevant topics:
Ко On how to overcome stress and exhaustion during the war
Вати About how not to stop halfway and reach the finish

They also did the art-therapeutic practice "My Past, Present and Future", which answered the girls to the internal issues that worried them.

“To act without fear of their own mistakes and condemnations of other people. Analyze your life, environment and draw conclusions. Keeping focus on your development, your dreams, without blaming external circumstances, to act now. To respect yourself and the people who surround you! ” - this is the kind of Messege that Inna handed over to our participants.

Then they talked to business trainer Yulia Tsybulska on how to solve problems that are constantly arising in business. Difficulties for an entrepreneur is a everyday business and you do not need to be afraid, you need to work on their solution.

“To be successful in business - you need to do what others do. This is what today they did with participants. There were 3 business cases for each area where the girls study. They were looking for practical solutions to solve the most popular problems: how to promote your business without a budget, what are the ways of raising funds, how to make non -standard decisions. The girls worked in mini-groups, worked out practical solutions to those problems that would accurately meet in their business life and train to communicate. It is convinced that all today's development of the girl will use in further work, ”Yulia shared her impressions.

Finally, the participant, together with the psychologist Daria Pisarenko and with the help of metaphorical cards, considered their business from another point of view, aware of their individuality and how it can be integrated into their own business. After all, "difficulties coagulate our character and contribute to the development of personality."

We plan to conduct the following trainings for other participants, because 80 women are in three applied professions. Keep track of our news, everything is the most interesting - it will be here.

Background: We Act: UNFPA, UNFPA, Acting for Women and their capabilities, UNFPA, the UN Foundation for Population with the European Union financial support.
2024-04-03 17:17