Divergent Woman. Events

The modern woman is dedicated to ...

Everything changes in the world. Over the past 50 years, society has undergone global changes. We invented many things that make life easier. They make it more comfortable, better, give free time. We have created new professions, robots, conquered space, almost invented a time machine, and most importantly - we are not going to stop on it ...

But something in society remained unchanged. Stereotypical idea of the role and purpose of a woman in society. And we are going to eradicate this rudiment of the past.

Women have long learned to be independent. Self -sufficient. Independent. They have time to give birth and raise children, follow the farm, go to work, solve problems on their own, look good, drive a car, kill nails, make repairs. Many useful things. But unfortunately, this titanic daily work is simply depreciated. Women are constantly faced with disrespect, disdain, unfair attitude, discrimination against themselves by men, no matter who he is - whether his own man or boss at work.

This is unfair, you need to change it. And we know how to do it.

So, it's time to get acquainted! We are the NGO "Divergent Woman", which was born for the sake of promoting modern education and access to it within Ukraine and at its borders. Another vector of our activity is the achievement of gender equality, including through educational and educational projects.

How we will achieve the goals and how you should be with us and what benefits you get, who she is - the other woman - we will definitely tell us later.

Now let you congratulate you again on the site and wish us common victories! Everything is just beginning!

Always yours,

NGO "Divergent Woman" Yulia Tsybulska

2024-04-08 18:46